Conference" Key Enabling Technologies: innovation in the maritime sector "at the IDONAIL headquarters in Gijón

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 El uso y explotación del medio marino es uno de los más importantes focos de actividad del ser humano, y no en vano da lugar a una gran variedad de sectores y subsectores.

Technological development acts in this maritime area as a very clear engine of evolution, in which the so-called essential enabling technologies (KETs, Key Enabling Technologies in English) play a fundamental role: advanced manufacturing, advanced materials, micro / nano electronics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and photonics.

This workshop takes place within the framework of the KETMARITIME project (European project within the framework of the Atlantic Area Interreg Program), whose objective is to promote the technological transfer of solutions based on these technologies to boost innovation in the maritime sector and transform companies into more competitive, efficient and sustainable. It will present a current technological landscape and its potential to transform human activity in the marine environment, through the presentation of a series of studies developed in the project, and testimonies from various companies and technological entities.

The day will be held on October 29 at the Gijón headquarters of the IDONIAL Technology Center, en horario provisional de 10:00 a 13:30.


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